lstusr 5u93n4
2018-12-03 19:57:35 UTC
Hi All,
I have a scenario where I'm trying to enable batching on the solrj client,
but trying to see how that works with Optimistic Concurrency.
From what I can tell, if I pass a list of SolrInputDocument to my solr
client, and a document somewhere in that list contains a `_version_` field
that would cause the Optimistic Concurrency check to fail:
- all documents in the list before the conflicting doc get saved correctly.
- no documents in the list after the conflicting doc get saved.
What I would really like is to "send a list of documents to solr, set the
_version_ on all of these documents to -1 so that they don't save if they
already exist, and have solr save all of the "new" documents in the list".
So three questions related to this:
1) Is Optimistic Concurrency the best mechanism for this, or is there some
other "don't overwrite" flag I can set that would work better?
2) If Optimisic Concurrency is the right way to go, Is there a mode that I
can set that would allow ALL non-conflicting documents in a batch to be
3) If questions 1 or 2 are not possible, I could trap the resulting
RouteException with a 409 code and remove the offending document from the
list. But:
a) can I safely remove ALL documents in the list before the offending
one, assuming they've been saved?
b) is there a better way to get the ID of the offending document besides
parsing the 'Error from server at
http://my.solr.instance:8983/solr/test_shard1_replica_n1: version conflict
for doc2` string from the exception?
I have a scenario where I'm trying to enable batching on the solrj client,
but trying to see how that works with Optimistic Concurrency.
From what I can tell, if I pass a list of SolrInputDocument to my solr
client, and a document somewhere in that list contains a `_version_` field
that would cause the Optimistic Concurrency check to fail:
- all documents in the list before the conflicting doc get saved correctly.
- no documents in the list after the conflicting doc get saved.
What I would really like is to "send a list of documents to solr, set the
_version_ on all of these documents to -1 so that they don't save if they
already exist, and have solr save all of the "new" documents in the list".
So three questions related to this:
1) Is Optimistic Concurrency the best mechanism for this, or is there some
other "don't overwrite" flag I can set that would work better?
2) If Optimisic Concurrency is the right way to go, Is there a mode that I
can set that would allow ALL non-conflicting documents in a batch to be
3) If questions 1 or 2 are not possible, I could trap the resulting
RouteException with a 409 code and remove the offending document from the
list. But:
a) can I safely remove ALL documents in the list before the offending
one, assuming they've been saved?
b) is there a better way to get the ID of the offending document besides
parsing the 'Error from server at
http://my.solr.instance:8983/solr/test_shard1_replica_n1: version conflict
for doc2` string from the exception?