Actually, just to correct myself. Solr uses configset in two different
ways (very unfortunate):
1) When you do bin/solr create -c name -d configset, in which case the
content of configset directory is copied
2) When you actually link to a configset as a common configuration, in
which case I think nothing is copied and points back
to the shared configset. In this case, any modifications affect all
the cores using the same backing configset.
I am guessing in the second interpretation, your question makes more
sense. I would then look at substitution variables and or managed stop
words, but I do not know the expected behavior.
Post by Alexandre RafalovitchI am not sure I fully understand what you are saying.
When you create a collection based on a configset, all the files
should be copied, including the stopwords.
You can also provide an absolute path.
Solr also supports variable substitutions (as seen in solrconfig.xml
library statements), but I am not actually sure if that applies to
managed-schema. Could be an interesting test.
Finally, you could use Managed configuration and push whatever set you
need to whatever collection, but that's an extra step to be managed
Post by O. KleinYeah, but if i define them in the schema of configset, The custom file with
stopwords is in a directory relative to the collection and not in configset.
So is there a way to define a path to stopwords with the collection as a
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