Max no of solr cores supported and how to restrict a query to a particular core?
2009-05-14 08:28:52 UTC
I want to know the maximum no of cores supported by Solr. 1000s or may be
millions all under one solr instance ?
Also I want to know how to redirect a particular query to a particular core.
Actually I'm querying solr from Ajax, so I think there must be some request
parameter that says which core we want to query, right? Can some one tell me
how to do this, any good pointers on the same will be helpful as well.
Thank you.

Shishir Jain
2009-05-14 08:55:52 UTC
Best regards,
Post by KK
I want to know the maximum no of cores supported by Solr. 1000s or may be
millions all under one solr instance ?
Also I want to know how to redirect a particular query to a particular core.
Actually I'm querying solr from Ajax, so I think there must be some request
parameter that says which core we want to query, right? Can some one tell me
how to do this, any good pointers on the same will be helpful as well.
Thank you.
Noble Paul നോബിള്‍ नोब्ळ्
2009-05-14 08:58:54 UTC
there is no hard limit on the no:of cores. it is limited by your
system's ability to open files and the resources.
the queries are automatically sent to appropriate core if your url is

Post by KK
I want to know the maximum no of cores supported by Solr. 1000s or may be
millions all under one solr instance ?
Also I want to know how to redirect a particular query to a particular core.
Actually I'm querying solr from Ajax, so I think there must be some request
parameter that says which core we want to query, right? Can some one tell me
how to do this, any good pointers on the same will be helpful as well.
Thank you.
Noble Paul | Principal Engineer| AOL | http://aol.com
2009-05-14 10:13:32 UTC
Thank you very much. Got the point.
One off the track question, can we automate the creation of new cores[it
requires manually editing the solr.xml file as I know, and what about the
location of core index directory, do we need to point that manually as
After going through the wiki what I found is we've to mention the names of
cores in solr.xml. I want to automate the process in such a way that when a
user registers[ on say my site for the service], we'll create a coresponding
core for the same user and with a specific core id[unique for this user
only] so that the user will be given a search interface that will redirect
all searches for this user to http://host:port/<unique core name for this
Will apprecite any ideas on this.

Post by Noble Paul നോബിള്‍ नोब्ळ्
there is no hard limit on the no:of cores. it is limited by your
system's ability to open files and the resources.
the queries are automatically sent to appropriate core if your url is
Post by KK
I want to know the maximum no of cores supported by Solr. 1000s or may be
millions all under one solr instance ?
Also I want to know how to redirect a particular query to a particular
Post by KK
Actually I'm querying solr from Ajax, so I think there must be some
Post by KK
parameter that says which core we want to query, right? Can some one tell
Post by KK
how to do this, any good pointers on the same will be helpful as well.
Thank you.
Noble Paul | Principal Engineer| AOL | http://aol.com
Noble Paul നോബിള്‍ नोब्ळ्
2009-05-14 12:58:13 UTC
Solr already supports this .
please refer this

ensure that your solr.xml is persistent
Post by KK
Thank you very much. Got the point.
One off the track question, can we automate the creation of new cores[it
requires manually editing the solr.xml file as I know, and what about the
location of core index directory, do we need to point that manually as
After going through the wiki what I found is we've to mention the names of
cores in solr.xml. I want to automate the process in such a way that when a
user registers[ on say my site for the service], we'll create a coresponding
core for the same user and with a specific core id[unique for this user
only] so that the user will be given a search interface that will redirect
all searches for this user to http://host:port/<unique core name for this
Will apprecite any ideas on this.
Post by Noble Paul നോബിള്‍ नोब्ळ्
there is no hard limit on the no:of cores. it is limited by your
system's ability to open files and the resources.
the queries are automatically sent to appropriate core if your url is
Post by KK
I want to know the maximum no of cores supported by Solr. 1000s or may be
millions all under one solr instance ?
Also I want to know how to redirect a particular query to a particular
Post by KK
Actually I'm querying solr from Ajax, so I think there must be some
Post by KK
parameter that says which core we want to query, right? Can some one tell
Post by KK
how to do this, any good pointers on the same will be helpful as well.
Thank you.
Noble Paul | Principal Engineer| AOL | http://aol.com
Noble Paul | Principal Engineer| AOL | http://aol.com
2009-05-14 14:07:56 UTC
Thank you very much. LOL, Its in the same wiki I was told to go through.
I've a question regarding creating ofsolr cores on the fly. The wiki says,

.....Creates a new core and register it. If persistence is enabled
(persist=true), the configuration for this new core will be saved in
'solr.xml'. If a core with the same name exists, while the "new" created
core is initializing, the "old" one will continue to accept requests. Once
it has finished, all new request will go to the "new" core, and the "old"
core will be unloaded.....

So I've to wait for some time [say a couple of secs, may be less than that]
before I start adding pages to that core. I think this is the way to handle
it , otherwise some content which should have been indexed by the new core,
will get indexed by the existing core[as the wiki says], which I don't want
to happen. Any other ideas for handling the same.

Post by Noble Paul നോബിള്‍ नोब्ळ्
Solr already supports this .
please refer this
ensure that your solr.xml is persistent
Post by KK
Thank you very much. Got the point.
One off the track question, can we automate the creation of new cores[it
requires manually editing the solr.xml file as I know, and what about the
location of core index directory, do we need to point that manually as
After going through the wiki what I found is we've to mention the names
Post by KK
cores in solr.xml. I want to automate the process in such a way that when
Post by KK
user registers[ on say my site for the service], we'll create a
Post by KK
core for the same user and with a specific core id[unique for this user
only] so that the user will be given a search interface that will
Post by KK
all searches for this user to http://host:port/<unique core name for
Post by KK
Will apprecite any ideas on this.
Post by Noble Paul നോബിള്‍ नोब्ळ्
there is no hard limit on the no:of cores. it is limited by your
system's ability to open files and the resources.
the queries are automatically sent to appropriate core if your url is
Post by KK
I want to know the maximum no of cores supported by Solr. 1000s or may
Post by KK
Post by Noble Paul നോബിള്‍ नोब्ळ्
Post by KK
millions all under one solr instance ?
Also I want to know how to redirect a particular query to a particular
Post by KK
Actually I'm querying solr from Ajax, so I think there must be some
Post by KK
parameter that says which core we want to query, right? Can some one
Post by KK
Post by Noble Paul നോബിള്‍ नोब्ळ्
Post by KK
how to do this, any good pointers on the same will be helpful as well.
Thank you.
Noble Paul | Principal Engineer| AOL | http://aol.com
Noble Paul | Principal Engineer| AOL | http://aol.com